Journal Publications

  • 19) L Ghadbeigi, et al., Optical Characterization of Gallium Oxide α and β Polymorph Thin-Films Grown on c-Plane Sapphire.
  • Journal of Electronic Materials, 1-9 (2021).
  • 18) Sun et al., Oxygen annealing induced changes in defects within β-Ga2O3 epitaxial films measured using photoluminescence.
  • Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics 54 (17), 174004 (2021).
  • 17) Rajapitamahuni et al., Impurity band conduction in Si-doped β-Ga2O3 films.
  • Applied Physics Letters 118 (7), 072105 (2021).
  • 16) Ranga et al, Growth and characterization of metalorganic vapor-phase epitaxy-grown β-(AlxGa1-x)2O3/β-Ga2O3 heterostructure channels.
  • Applied Physics Express 14 (2), 025501 (2021).
  • 15) Goplan et al., The anisotropic quasi-static permittivity of single-crystal β-Ga2O3 measured by terahertz spectroscopy.
  • Applied Physics Letters 117 (25), 252103 (2020).
  • 14) Sun et al., Defect states and their electric field-enhanced electron thermal emission in heavily Zr-doped β-Ga2O3 crystals.
  • Applied Physics Letters 117 (21), 212104 (2020).
  • 13) Eisner et al., Compensation in homoepitaxial β-Ga2O3 thin films grown by metalorganic vapor-phase epitaxy.
  • Journal of Applied Physics 128 (19), 195703 (2020)
  • 12) Chaterjee et al., Electro-thermal co-design of β-(AlxGa1-x)2O3/Ga2O3 modulation doped field effect transistors.
  • Applied Physics Letters 117 (15), 153501 (2020)
  • 11) Ranga Delta-doped β-Ga2O3 films with narrow FWHM grown by metalorganic vapor-phase epitaxy
  • Applied Physics Letters 117, 172105 (2020).
  • 10) Bhattacharyya, et al., Low temperature homoepitaxy of (010) β-Ga2O3 by metalorganic vapor phase epitaxy: Expanding the growth window
  • Applied Physics Letters 117 (14), 142102 (2020).
  • 9) Sun, et al., On the origin of red luminescence from iron-doped β-Ga2O3 bulk crystals
  • Applied Physics Letters 117 (5), 052101
  • 8) Saleh, et al., Degenerate doping in β-Ga2O3 single crystals through Hf-doping
  • Semiconductor Science and Technology, 35(4) 04LT01 (2020).
  • 7) Ranga, et al., Delta-doped β-Ga2O3 thin films and β-(Al0.26Ga0.74)2O3/β-Ga2O3 heterostructures grown by metalorganic vapor-phase epitaxy
  • Applied Physics Express, 13(4) 045501 (2020).
  • 6) Bhattacharyya, et al., Schottky Barrier Height Engineering In β-Ga2O3 Using SiO2 Interlayer Dielectric
  • IEEE J Electron Devices Society, 8 286-294 (2020).
  • 5) Cooke, et al., Synthesis and Characterization of Large‐Area Nanometer‐Thin β‐Ga2O3 Films from Oxide Printing of Liquid Metal Gallium
  • Physica Status Solidi (a) (2020).
  • 4) Lyman et al., Theoretical investigation of optical intersubband transitions and infrared photodetection in β-(AlxGa1−x)2O3/Ga2O3 quantum well structures J. Appl. Phys. 127, 173102 (2020).
  • 3) Electrical and optical properties of Zr doped β-Ga2O3 single crystals
  • Saleh, et al., Applied Physics Express, 12(8), 085502 (2019).
  • 2) Ranga, et al., Si-doped β-(Al0.26Ga0.74)2O3 thin films and heterostructures grown by metalorganic vapor-phase epitaxy
  • Applied Physics Express, 12(11) 111004 (2019)  Spotlights 2019.
  • 1) Wang, et al., Incident wavelength and polarization dependence of spectral shifts in β-Ga2O3 UV photoluminescence
  • Scientific Reports, 8(1) 18075 (2018).

Conference Presentations

  • R. Sun, Y.K. Ooi, P. Ranga, M. Saleh, K.G. Lynn, S. Krishnamoorthy, and M.A. Scarpulla. Chromium origins of red luminescence from Fe-doped Ga2O3 bulk crystals & Effects of Annealing on Electronic Defects in β-Ga2O3. AVS Physics and Chemistry of Surfaces and Interfaces (PCSI) 47, Jan 20, (2020).
  • Saleh, M., S. Swain, J.Jesenovec, J. Varley, A. Bhattacharyya, S. Krishnamoorthy, K. Lynn. “Electronic Properties of Zr and Hf Doped β-Ga2O3 Single Crystals”, In 30th International Conference of Defects in Semiconductors, Seattle, WA, (2019).
  • M.A. Scarpulla, Y. Wang, Y.K. Ooi, R. Sun, P.T. Dickens, J.B. Varley, X. Ni, E. Lotubai, S. Sprawls, F. Liu, V. Lordi, S. Krishnamoorthy, S. Blair, K.G. Lynn, & B. Sensale-Rodriguez, Photoluminescence in β-Ga2O3: Preservation of incident photon linear polarization and wavelength information by oxygen site-specific trapped holes”, In 30th International Conference of Defects in Semiconductors, Seattle, WA, (2019).
  • Praneeth Ranga, Arkka Bhattacharya, Luisa Whittaker‐Brooks, Sriram Krishnamoorthy, “Growth of Homoepitaxial β‐Ga2O3 Films using Far Injection MOVPE Reactor”, International Workshop on Gallium Oxide (IWGO-3), Columbus, OH, (2019).
  • Praneeth Ranga, Ashwin Rishinaramangalam, Arkka Bhattacharya, Luisa Whittaker‐Brooks, Daniel Feezell, Sriram Krishnamoorthy, “MOVPE‐Grown Si‐Doped Β‐(Al0.25Ga0.75)2O3Thin Films And Heterojunctions”, OMVPE 2019Late News, Keystone, CO, (2019).
  • Praneeth Ranga, Berardi Sensale-RodriguezMichael ScarpullaSriram Krishnamoorthy, ” Low Pressure CVD Growth of N-Type Ga2O3 Thin Films Using Solid Ge Source”, Materials Research Society (MRS) Fall meeting (2018).
  • Praneeth Ranga, Sung Beom Cho, Rohan Mishra, Sriram Krishnamoorthy, ” Polarization Engineering of ε-(AlGa)2O3/ε-Ga2O3 Heterostructures”, Materials Research Society (MRS) Fall meeting (2018).
  • Praneeth Ranga, Vivek Sattiraju, Jonathan Ogle, Berardi Sensale-Rodriguez, Luisa Whittaker-Brooks, Michael Scarpulla, Sriram Krishnamoorthy, “N-type Doping in LPCVD-grown  β-Ga2OFilms using Solid Source Dopants”, Annual Meeting of the American Physical Society (APS) Four Corners Section (2018).
  • Joseph Lyman, Sriram Krishnamoorthy,”Intersubband Optical Transitions in Ultra-Wide Bandgap Quantum Well Structures”,  Annual Meeting of the American Physical Society (APS) Four Corners Section (2018).
  • Praneeth Ranga, Sung Beom Cho, Rohan Mishra, Sriram Krishnamoorthy, “Modeling of 2DEG Formation at Polar ε-(AlGa) 2O3/ε-Ga2O3 Heterojunctions”, Annual Meeting of the American Physical Society (APS) Four Corners Section (2018).
  •  Yunshan Wang , Peter Dickens , Xiaojuan Ni , Emmanuel Lotubai , Samuel Sprawls , Feng Liu , Sriram Krishnamoorthy , Steve Blair , Kelvin Lynn , Michael Scarpulla and Berardi Sensale Rodriguez, “Photoluminescence from β-Ga2 O3 Bulk Crystals—Spectral Dependences on Incident Wavelength and Polarization”, Electronic Materials Conference (2018).